Your Hearing Instrument Specialist in Newton (Auburndale), MA

Regus Executive Office Suites
275 Grove St, 4th Floor Ste 400
Newton, MA 02466

Office Hours:
Monday - Friday (by appointment):
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday:
275 Grove St 4th floor Ste 400,
Newton, MA 02466
Regus Executive Office Suites

The Hearing Professionals provide access to hearing testing and hearing aid services in Newton (Auburndale), MA. We’re here to take away the confusion of getting hearing aids and help provide you with an educational, stress-free experience.


Entering the Building

Regus Newton (Auburndale), MA, is located across from the Riverside T Station and   Riverside Center at 275 Grove St, Fourth Floor, Suite 400.  

This building is always locked, so look for the intercom box to the side of the door entrance and press the white button. Then let security know that you are a guest of Regus. 

Enter the building, look for the red metal awning, enter those doors, and take the elevator on your left to the Fourth floor. You will immediately enter Regus as the doors open, there will be a receptionist to greet you.

Where to Park

Please use the indoor parking East Wing Parking garage, on your left after you turn into The Corporate Center.


The office is near the Charles River, by the Woodland Golf Course and the Leo J. Martin Golf Course.

Frequently Asked Questions

What services do The Hearing Professionals in Newton (Auburndale), MA, offer?

At The Hearing Professionals, we offer a range of services, including hearing aid fittings and hearing tests. We also provide a hearing loss survey, so you can determine if you should come in for a hearing test. 

What types of hearing aids do The Hearing Professionals in Newton (Auburndale), MA, offer?

At The Hearing Professionals, we offer a wide range of hearing aids. We offer OTC hearing aids, Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids, assistive listening devices, and cell phone accessories. We can help you find a suitable hearing aid device for you. 

Do you offer hearing testing at The Hearing Professionals in Newton (Auburndale), MA?

We provide comprehensive hearing tests at The Hearing Professionals in Newton (Auburndale), MA. We start you out with a hearing screening, and if the screening indicates you have hearing loss, we proceed with an in-depth hearing evaluation test.  

Do you offer custom hearing aid fittings at The Hearing Professionals in Newton (Auburndale), MA?

We understand when you get new hearing aids you need them to fit correctly and understand how to work them. At The Hearing Professionals in  Newton (Auburndale), we offer a free hour-long consultation when you purchase a hearing aid so you are comfortable with your new hearing aid. 

How do I know if I have hearing loss?

At The Hearing Professionals, we offer a free online hearing loss survey, so you can determine if you have any warning signs of hearing loss. 

Do you offer patient education resources from The Hearing Professional in Newton (Auburndale), MA?

On our website, you can access our patient education resources, which include information on how hearing works, what happens when you experience hearing loss, and an explanation of what sudden hearing loss is and how it works. 

Why should I choose The Hearing Professionals in Newton (Auburndale), MA?

The Hearing Professionals can help you with your hearing needs. We offer free hearing screening and hearing tests. Ken Pruyn, our Licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist, will help you find the right hearing aids and get you set up for hearing success. 

About The Hearing Professionals

We are Newton (Auburndale)’s hearing aid experts. You don’t need a referral. We provide comprehensive hearing tests and hearing aid fittings. We can help you find the right hearing device to enhance your life.

Ken Pruyn, a Licensed Hearing Instrument Specialist, leads the Hearing Professionals. He has 14+ years of experience helping people hear clearly again. He is passionate about assisting people to hear clearly and is dedicated to taking the time to help understand your unique hearing needs and find the best hearing solution for you.

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